Handicrafts: Up
the hill from the dining hall, our handicrafts lodge is where you'll come to earn Woodworking, Art, Basketry, and Leatherwork
merit badges! If you don't want those merit badges, or if you already have them, you can just make a project as a souvenir
of the great time you had at Kunatah! And don't forget to make a troop plaque for the dining hall! Materials for
Woodwork and Basketry merit badges can be purchased at the Trading Post.
Scout Skills: The heart
of Scouting! Here you can earn Pioneering, Orienteering, and Wilderness Survival merit badges, as well at Totin' Chip
and Firem'n Chit! What goes on here is really what Scouting is all about!
Archery: Our range is
safe and well maintained, making it open for Archery merit badge and free shoot every day! The distances of our targets
can be easily changed, so whether you're just beginning or need more of a challenge, this is the right place for you!
Waterfront: Take your dock
test and get in the water for some serious fun on a hot day! Offered here are merit badges Swimming, Lifesaving, Rowing,
Canoeing, and Small Boat Sailing, as well as B.S.A. Lifegaurd and Snorkeling B.S.A.! You'll love our water trampoline,
too, dedicated in memory of Judge Charles Posner! So if you're boiling after a sweaty sport or a hike, come jump in!
Riflery: Come up to our
range and earn Rifle or Shotgun Shooting merit badge with our fully qualified instructor! You can also come up and shoot
for fun! This is one thing you'll never try at home!
Field Sports: Challenge another troop or
try for Personal Fitness merit badge. Don't miss the weekly staff/scoutmaster softball game!
Ecology: Offers
a wide variety of nature and science merit badges, such as Reptile and Amphibian Study, Astronomy, Mammal Study, Fish and
Wildlife Management, Soil and Water Conservation, and many others! Astronomy merit badge includes late-night
observations and an exciting field trip to the Fleetville Observatory!
Mountain Biking: Available for a
day or an overnight!